Every time I visit a new place what I always try to do is to be able to feel and note in my own style the rhythm and everyday life of the place. That also happened in New York: for 9 days, with my camera back pack, on foot, by subway and with my wife Evangelia as always by my side! We walked for several hours in the streets of Manhattan; we passed by Brooklyn which was right across, we even reached Long Island and we visited other districts along the route. During our stay, we got to know another world, the subway. I would say that the subway of New York Is a place where you can see any kind of people, races, street artists, homeless, rich. It is maybe the dirtiest and at the same time the most colorful subway I have ever seen. I could write so many things for every scene that took place in front of us. What I have to say briefly is that for some shots we were lost in dangerous alleys, for some others I waited several hours for the right moment and for others I was lying in central streets to be able to get my pictures. But in the end it was worth it.